Limerick – Aspire

When life’s keeping you in the mire,
But you’re determined to go ever higher,
The secret, it seems,
Is held in your dreams,
And all you need do is aspire.


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There is a 60-metre tall sculpture at the University of Nottingham, called “Aspire”. It has been likened to an ice cream cone, or a dream catcher. I rather like it…


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Limerick – Pain

After “winning” last week’s challenge – which is genuinely the first time I’ve won anything for my writing – I’m back for more… and this time I’ve brought cute back-up! If you’ve a lust for a limerick, are randy for a rhyme, or go potty for poetry, please join in too! 🙂


If ever you’re feeling in pain
There’s something I need to explain
A positive mind
Will help you to find
The best way to handle the strain



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What could be less stressful than looking at a bundle of kittens?


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