Haiku – Shift

For this week’s Haiku Horizons challenge, the prompt was “shift”… I thought I’d approach it in a slightly different way…

Things that you should shift:
Mindset, perspective, gear;
Your ass and do it!

This seems a fairly appropriate way to announce that I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo – the National Novel Writing Month challenge. It runs throughout November, with the aim being to write 50,000 words for your novel over that time. Yep. Fifty thousand. That’s only about 45,000 more than I’ve ever written on any one thing, ever, in my whole life. No problem, right?

I know Meg’s in as well… anyone else dumb brave enough to join us??




Picture credit: flickr.com/photos/slackpics/4261060942

Haiku – Skip

I struggled with this week’s haiku horizons prompt, so I’ve given a choice of endings for this particular bit of fun…

One, two, skip a few
Then ninety-nine, one hundred!…

(a) Claim oil barons
(b) Claimed my accountant
(c) Claim politicians
(d) Claims my three year old!

You get the idea! If you have any additions for this list, let me know in the comments below 🙂



Picture credit: flickr.com/photos/shoesmiths/5427623567

Haiku – Monkey

This week’s prompt is “monkey”… and it finds me in a bit of a silly mood. You’ve been warned!

Pity brass monkeys.
Our measure of cold weather?
Freezing their balls off!

Families are tough…
I’m not a monkey’s uncle,
Cuz he’s mine instead!

Hard not to see work
As a mad, pooping, screeching
Monkey on my back

Written for: https://haikuhorizons.wordpress.com/2016/02/14/haiku-horizons-prompt-monkey/

Picture credit: flickr.com/photos/botheredbybees/2081791806
