I is for… (part 1 of 2)

Welcome to Day Nine of your Essential Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. On account of me getting completely carried away writing these at one a.m. last night, today’s will be in two parts (and I haven’t written a word for “J” yet!). Back to the script… We all know the end is coming. Well, you gotta be prepared, and you ain’t gonna have time to memorise a whole bunch of stuff when it happens.

You need a short guide to surviving the rise of the undead, covering you all the way from A to Z… You need … Haiku of the Dead!

Insanity plague:
Minds will snap at the horrors
Break in different ways

Some may go so far
As to imitate zombies.
It will not save them.

Internet all gone.
Google’s answers all switched off.
Try reading some books…

Once bitten
Immortality awaits
At what cost?

Celebrities flock
To “zed” up)

Insects everywhere
Slowly turning the battle
Feeding on undead

Help win the war,
Starting in your own home:
Kill the spiders!


“You wrote this as part of a month-long challenge? What?!”

Throughout April, I will be joining the A to Z Challenge, posting six days a week to cover each letter of the alphabet… even that annoying “X”… For my theme, I have gone down the well-trodden, stereotypical, bit-of-a-cliché -really path of zombie survival tips… in haiku.

With tongue firmly in cheek, I hope you will join me for the month, and beyond 🙂

There are hundreds of blogs participating – over 1900. I will be doing my best to check out as many of these as possible. You can too via this link: http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/a-z-challenge-sign-up-list-2016.html

32 thoughts on “I is for… (part 1 of 2)

  1. Puts me in mind of a rather goofy young man, who said to me years ago, “You make me feel safe, because you are (wait for it, wait for it) A-NET! Yeah, go ahead and rip the internet away, I am safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Al
    Love your images and lines. Like silk for the mind. “Google answers all switched off.” What a lovely thought. Keep them coming.
    Best Wishes

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: A to Z Challenge – Halfway! | A Certain Point of View

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