In The Hole

I wrote this for a friend. Look out for each other x

When we’re in the hole,
There’s no map to guide us out,
No one there to listen,
However much we shout

But all it takes is one
To offer down a hand
Help us through the worst
Remind us we can stand

No one here is judging
We just want to see you smile
Take my hand and sit with me
Let’s talk a little while



Picture credit:

66 thoughts on “In The Hole

  1. I am so sorry I’m so slow to get to this… I have so many emails and my kids are trying to destroy my house. (And if the insurance would buy me a new one, I’d let them… but alas, the dining room is not large enough for soccer. I mean “football”…)

    I agree… we all need to look out for each other. (I personally need to look out for my head before I get whacked with a ball.) Clearly, we need to talk more… you’re a wonderful friend. This is so sweet (no matter how many times I read it). Thanks again so much for your support and friendship. Means so much to me…

    I’m glad you posted this here… it’s a beautiful message. ♥♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s taken me a while to learn that sometimes being a good friend to another in need is simply to do exactly this – listen, hold a hand, bring a smile in your back pocket. Be able to sit together in silence if need be. Knowing someone is there can sometimes be the best help of all, beautifully expressed. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  3. And now I know why I managed to find the words to express myself with you.
    It’s funny how it started as me reaching out and ended up as you helping out.
    I think you are right. This is a truth for everybody, we can all use it one day or another.
    Thank you for being a great friend Al.
    And a beautiful poet too!

    Liked by 1 person

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